The Office

About the Show

The Office (U.S.) is a mockumentary-style comedy show of 9 seasons. The plot revolves around a few office workers, and their struggles with life as well as their boss, Michael, who has good intentions at heart, but is misguided. Throughout the show, we see the funny quirks of the characters, the lighthearted humor, and the occasional sad moment as well. The theme song is here: See on Dunderpedia

The Company

The company Dunder-Mifflin is a fictional paper company, and the show mostly focuses on the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch, as well as the corporate part of the company in New York City. The Scranton branch somehow consistently makes the most money, even with an inept boss and underperforming employees. As there are many characters in the office, the main characters I will be discussing are:

  • Michael Scott
  • Dwight Schrute
  • Pam Beesly
  • Jim Halpart
  • Creed Bratton
  • Kevin Malone